Ubuntu 14.04 reaches end-of-life…sort of

Ubuntu 14.04 (codenamed Trusty Tahr) was released five years ago (in April of 2014). As a long-term support (LTS) release, that means it was eligible to receive bug fix and security updates for five years. As of April 30, 2019, the standard support period will end, and you will no longer be able to download updates from archive.ubuntu.com.

For the typical user (like us), this means:

  • No security fixes. No package updates. No new kernels. That’s the end.
  • The packages will, at some point, be removed from archive.ubuntu.com, and archived at old-releases.ubuntu.com.

When the files are archived, that also means that you can no longer upgrade using the do-release-upgrade command. The only “official” remedy is to reinstall. There is an “unofficial” community-authored method for upgrading via old-releases.ubuntu.com, but I have not tested this with Trusty.

If you run 14.04 in a business environment and are unable to update or redeploy for awhile, you can purchase limited additional support from Canonical (the company that provides commercial support for Ubuntu). Starting with 12.04, Canonical began providing critical security fixes beyond “end-of-life” for LTS releases, through a program called “Extended Security Maintenance”. You can find more information about ESM here.

Disco Dingo Released!

Ubuntu 19.04, code-named Disco Dingo, was released on April 18, 2019.

In an interview with eWeek, Mark Shuttleworth highlighted the use of snap packages (snaps) and the Gnome 3.32 Desktop. You can watch the interview here.

You can also read the release notes for more detail. ISOs are available at download.ubuntu.com. If you’re looking for help installing or upgrading, check out the calendar for the next Installfest in your area.

systemd suspend/resume script

Had a question the other day; a friend’s laptop would lose the trackpad after resume so his solution was to insert the module manually. Well, systemd has systemd-suspend.service which can handle those events. Details in man systemd-suspend.service

Place a script in /lib/systemd/system-sleep/ and make it executable. Any scripts in that directory will be called upon suspend (passing the parameter pre) and will be called again upon resume (passing the parameter post.) A sample script:

if [ "${1}" = "pre" ]; then
# about to suspend …
echo "suspend event at $(date)…" > /tmp/suspend_test
elif [ "${1}" = "post" ]; then
# about to resume …
echo "resume event at $(date) …" >> /tmp/suspend_test

Now, my keyboard backlight settings get saved and restored correctly on suspend/resume.