AZLOCO has moved its IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-az, from to This has already been accomplished. We will continue to monitor the old channel for a while to assist individuals in migrating to the new channel. The procedure to visit channels that are restricted to registered nicknames remains the same. You need to send a message to Nick Service from the Nick that you want to register. It would look like this: /msg NickServ REGISTER (password) (your email address) Of course you replace (password) with your password and (your email address) with your email address omitting the ( ). This will enable you to enter and carry on a conversation in those channels that are limited to registered nicknames only. It is anticipated that #ubuntu-us-az will convert to that status.
If you had a Ubuntu cloak in freenode,it is not transferable to libera. You must reapply. To obtain a Ubuntu cloak you must first be a Ubuntu member. You must also ensure that your Launchpad profile page contains your new nick from Libera: (your nick) on Then all you have to do is join #ubuntu-irc and ask for a Ubuntu cloak. You must also include a link to your Launchpad profile.
If you are not a Ubuntu member and want a Libera cloak, register your Nick and send this message: /join #libera-cloak and type !cloakme
Our Sunday meetings will be conducted on our new channel beginning with the 06 June 2021 meeting.