Test Server Outline

General Guideline
Test Server Address: test.azloco.com

The main purpose of the test server is to test applications and services before installing them on our main server. The test server is also available for existing members to try their hand at administration on a server that is publicly accessible. This does not mean the test server is a free for all. Intentions and ideas still need to be communicated within our group. If you have been participating with our group for a long time and already have a regular shell account you may request access to the test server. Contact Shane Lofgren (slofgren), Todd Cole (toddc) or Scott Gwin (scott_ev) in IRC. If you can’t reach any of us in IRC bring you9r proposal to the Sunday night team meeting.

To get some test server time in you must do the following.
1. Discuss your plans in IRC. This is a group and we need to interact as one. If there are not any concerns then…

General Guideline
Test Server Address: test.azloco.com

The main purpose of the test server is to test applications and services before installing them on our main server. The test server is also available for existing members to try their hand at administration on a server that is publicly accessible. This does not mean the test server is a free for all. Intentions and ideas still need to be communicated within our group. If you have been participating with our group for a long time and already have a regular shell account you may request access to the test server. Contact Shane Lofgren (slofgren), Todd Cole (toddc) or Scott Gwin (scott_ev) in IRC. If you can’t reach any of us in IRC bring you9r proposal to the Sunday night team meeting.

To get some test server time in you must do the following.
1. Discuss your plans in IRC. This is a group and we need to interact as one. If there are not any concerns then…
2. Schedule test server usage in our calendar along with a plan of action
3. Do your testing on the scheduled date and time
4. Report what you have done and the results by creating a new blog entry on this site.
5. Clean up after yourself. Do your best to leave the test server as found. If you have created something that is a benefit to all then ask before removing.

The goals of the test server are to communicate, test, share and improve. If your testing results in an improvement to the group then we can move your work into our main server environment. That work can be noted in how you contribute to the Ubuntu community.

Assistance and Training
If you are interested in training on proper Linux administration we will be having some classes available. These are in the works. We will have more information posted soon!