Great team meeting last night!! Craig will have the team newsletter out on Wednesday so you can get all the particulars. After some announcements, we got into the heart of the meeting. The talk mostly centered around the servers. Now that this site is up and running, we want to move forward to the next round of development for our website.
Great team meeting last night!! Craig will have the team newsletter out on Wednesday so you can get all the particulars. After some announcements, we got into the heart of the meeting. The talk mostly centered around the servers. Now that this site is up and running, we want to move forward to the next round of development for our website.
Drupal has the ability to automate emails for different instances of registration for the site, etc. We have not been able to use this feature as yet. We concentrated on getting the site up, running, and stable first. Now however, it will make it easier to admin. the site if we have an email server application up and running. After discussing this with Shane, Hans, and the team, we settled on how best to go about it. We’ll set the mail server application up to send from our website here, but incoming mail will be sent to a gmail account that will forward mail to our Ubuntu Team mailing list. There were several reasons for deciding to handle it this way, but the team felt it was the best idea. Hopefully by the end of the week, we’ll have email capability set up and running.
We also discussed our idea for a state wide calendar for all the open source user groups to post their events to. This will be a kind of “One Stop Shopping” calendar for all open source events going on in Arizona, We should definitely have this set up by the next meeting. We decided to let 2 contacts from each user group have access to the calendar for posting events. Of course if a group requested extra access, we would take that into consideration. Letting the user groups host on our server has always been part of our goal too. Lugy of Prescott is already being virtually hosted by our server, and they have linked back to our site in recognition of this fact. We plan on extending this courtesy to any of the other Arizona user groups who need this help. Working with the LUGs is very important to our team to promote open source in Arizona.
As for the test server, we are encouraging team members to get involved. You can use the test server to constructively play around with different server applications. I personally have installed wordpress using subversion in hopes of migrating my wordpress blog from their site. There are some distinct advantages to hosting my blog in this way. While wordpress does a great job of hosting, they have to limit bloggers in certain respects because of the volume of users on their site. Hosting on our server will let me have more control over such things as my theme, plugins and widgets. It will make if so I can embed video links right to my blog, and many other useful tasks that I have been unable to do as yet with their hosting.
This site, and the servers are for our team to use and learn from. If you have something you want to try please get with Shane or myself, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your needs.