I just wanted to shout out that thanks to MajB and others Ubuntu Arizona Loco Team
has been verified as active and in high Standing as a team for all our events and community support both ours and assisting other groups to further linux opens source
linux and Ubuntu Thanks for all the help and support from everyone Todd

MajB says:
AZLOCO Gets a Ubuntu Renewal for another two years
The re-verification of the AZLOCO Team was finally accomplished on 11 December 2017 at the first meeting of the new Ubuntu Local Community Council meeting. This action was the end result of a process that began in the Summer when the update of our application for re-verification was initially reviewed for errors and updates. It was submitted and placed on the LoCo Council’s agenda for their September meeting. However, while representatives of the AZLOCO Team were present for the meeting, only one member of the LoCo Council was present so there was not a quorum to consider our application. We were assured that our status as an approved Ubuntu LoCo Team would not change which was of course was not true because it did on the 17th of November when we were temporarily moved to the unapproved list. After an E-mail exchange and an IRC conversation with a member of the Ubuntu Council we were returned to the verified list with a review date of 11 December. The rest is history. While being a verified/approved Local Community Team garners some perks, e.g. a larger conference pack when ordering one for a special event, its main advantage is the prestige that comes with being an approved Team. We have done everything that the LoCo Council has required of us to include maintaining our event portal and submitting reports of team events and meetings that have occurred. Other LoCo Teams can look to us as an example of a successful LoCo Team.