notes on installing grub on a disk that is not mounted as root

During install fests we sometimes need to install grub on a disk that is currently not mounted on root. For example, if a system can’t be booted from its hard drive, but can be booted from a live usb, we want to boot from the live usb and “repair” the hard drive by installing grub on the hard drive. Once the hard drive is “repaired,” the system can be booted again from the hard drive.
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IRC stats for #ubuntu-us-az up

In the past it was possible to get stats on the #ubuntu-us-az IRC channel. That capability was lost a while ago. Its back now. Details are in this post.

For posterity’s sake, here is a run-down of how it is done:

  • run irssi to listen to the chat channel. The sole reason for doing this is to get irssi’s log file.
  • once a day, run pisg on the log files to create an html file with the stats. They are available under

irssi setup steps:

The configuration file for irssi is found in ~/.irssi/config. It was modified as follows:

  • in the servers variable the following stanza was added:
    address = "";
    chatnet = "freenode";
    port = "6667";

  • in the chatnets variable the following stanza was added

    freenet = {
    type = "IRC";
    max_kicks = "4";
    max_msgs = "5";
    max_whois = "4";
    max_query_chans = "5";

  • in the channels variable the following stanza was added

    { name = "#ubuntu-us-az"; chatnet = "freenode"; autojoin = "Yes"; },

  • the settings stanza was modified to be as follows:

    settings = {
    core = { real_name = ""; user_name = "azlocolog"; nick = "azlocolog"; };
    "fe-text" = { actlist_sort = "refnum"; };
    "fe-common/core" = { autolog = "yes"; };

A file startup was created in ~/.irssi with the following content

/set autolog on
/join #ubuntu-us-az

Two scripts were created. Both live in ~/bin:

  • This script runs once a day to update the stats file

    cd ~/public_html
    pisg -ch \#ubuntu-us-az.log -l ~/irclogs/freenode/\#ubuntu-us-az.log -f irssi


    tmux -2 new-session -s IRC -d
    tmux new-window -t IRC:1 -d 'irssi -d'

crontab additions

The following two lines are added to the crontab file:

45 22 * * * /home/ircstats/bin/
@reboot /home/ircstats/bin/